Tuesday, December 03, 2024
Innovative SMS Gateway & Messaging solutions


ASPSMS as service provider: Send Alarm-SMS with QNAP Turbo NAS

QNAP Turbo NAS devices support SMS alerts to inform IT administrators about different events like system error, warning, and other alerts.

Illustration: QNAP

Two mobile phone numbers can be specified to receive the latest system information.

All these helpful and immediate alert notifications enable IT administrators to take full control of the most recent status of the Turbo NAS and take immediate actions to troubleshoot in time. Downtime caused by unexpected failures is thereby considerably minimized.

Alarm-SMS and notifications with ASPSMS are best sent with the operation SimpleTextSMS of the ASPSMS SOAP Web Service Version 2:

And this is how it works:

Add ASPSMS as SMS service provider

Add ASPSMS as SMS service provider in the section System Administration - Notification - Configure SMSC Server:

  1. SMS service provider
    Select the option Add SMS service provider.

  2. SMS service provider
    Name the new SMS service provider ASPSMS.

  3. URL-template text
    Where highlighted your own Userkey, Password and an own Originator have to be set.

    Example for:
    • Userkey = 0123456789ABC
    • Password = ******
    • Originator = TurboNAS01

    No spaces all on one line::

    Be aware of the following when you set an originator:

  4. Apply
    A mouse click to the button finishes the adding of the SMS service provider ASPSMS and does select it.

SMS Notification Settings

Define up to two mobile phone numbers to where SMS-Alarms and notifications will be sent to in the section System Administration - Notification - Alert Notification - SMS Notification Settings:

  1. Country code
    Choose the appropriate country code belonging to the mobile phone numbers by selecting the country.

    Read later in this newsletter how to define more than two mobile phone numbers or how to set mobile numbers in different countries.

  2. Cell phone No. 1
    Enter the mobile phone number without country code, without leading zero, without spaces or other characters.
    For the swiss number 079/000 00 00 e.g. 790000000.

  3. Cell phone No. 2
    Enter - if necessary - a second mobile phone number without country code eine zweite Mobiltelefonnummer ohne Ländercode, ohne vorangestellte 0, ohne Leerzeichen oder andere Zeichen ein.
    For the swiss number +4176-000 00 00 e.g. 760000000.

  4. Send a Test SMS Message
    A mouse click to the button sends a test SMS messages to the defined mobile phone numbers.

  5. Apply
    A mouse click to the button finishes the SMS notification settings.

More than two mobile phone numbers or mobile phone numbers in different countries

For specifiyng more than two mobile phone numbers or mobile phone numbers in different countries, use only the field Cell phone Nr. 1 to avoid duplicate deliveries. The other numbers have to be set directly within the URL-template text. For this, you have to edit again the ASPSMS SMS service provider in the section System Administration - Notification - Configure SMSC Server.

Example for :
  • 1. Cell phone Nr.: 0041770000000 (Switzerland)
  • 2. Cell phone Nr.: 0041790000000 (Switzerland)
  • 3. Cell phone Nr.: 00491710000000 (Germany)
  • 4. Cell phone Nr.: 00393340000000 (Italy)

Set the value of the field Cell phone No. 1 to the 1. Cell phone Nr.: 770000000 ein. The QNAP Turbo NAS device will substitute the place holder @@PhoneNumber@@ with that number when sending.

Further numbers have to be set directly in the URL-template text:

Without spaces, all on one line:

Go ahead and have yourself notified
by your QNAP Turbo NAS devices!

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Indestructible: Renaissance of SMS in the Digital Age
New SMS Blaster Windows Version: Try it out now
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Roaming to other Countries
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Supported operators in your country:

Digitec Connect
Lidl Connect
OK Mobile
Sunrise Mobile
Swisscom Mobile